Salt Lake Specialties Pass

Unlock unforgettable adventures unique to Salt Lake

Unleash the extraordinary as you gain exclusive entry to one-of-a-kind attractions found nowhere else on the planet! Soar to the heights of the Wasatch mountains for breathtaking views, immerse yourself in the legacy of an Olympic site, wander through the storied streets of an historic pioneer village, and that's just the beginning. Transform an ordinary trip into an extraordinary adventure!

See what's included in the Salt Lake Specialties Pass

How it Works

2. Delivered to your phone via email or text

Your pass will be instantly delivered to your phone via text and email and is ready to use immediately! There are no apps to download! Your pass can be saved to your phone's home screen for easy one-tap access.

Participating Attractions


Dreamscapes is moving to a new location in Downtown Salt Lake and will be closed from July 14, 2024 to October 1, 2024. A project of the nonprofit Utah Arts…

Aerial Tram at Snowbird

Ride Snowbird's iconic tram to the top of Hidden Peak (at 11,000 feet!) for amazing views. On clear days you can see down into the Salt Lake valley. Summer and…

Utah Olympic Park

Utah Olympic Park offers year-round adventure. From learning about the Park's unique Olympic heritage on a guided tour to taking a ride of a lifetime on the…

Utah's Hogle Zoo

Utah's Hogle Zoo creates champions for wildlife. Visitors of all ages and backgrounds can enjoy hundreds of resident animals in the African Savanna, Great Apes…

Ski Super Pass

The Salt Lake Ski Super Pass is your discounted lift ticket to Salt Lake’s four world-class resorts…

Map of Attractions